Monday, November 10, 2008
Miriam Makeba Died at 76 years..
Foundation mourns the death of MaMiriam
November 8, 2008 – The sudden passing of our beloved Miriam has saddened us and our nation.
For many decades, starting in the years before we went to prison, MaMiriam featured prominently in our lives and we enjoyed her moving performances at home. Despite her tremendous sacrifice and the pain she felt to leave behind her beloved family and her country when she went into exile, she continued to make us proud as she used her worldwide fame to focus attention on the abomination of apartheid.
Her haunting melodies gave voice to the pain of exile and dislocation which she felt for 31 long years. At the same time, her music inspired a powerful sense of hope in all of us. Even after she returned home she continued to use her name to make a difference by mentoring musicians and supporting struggling young women. One of her more recent projects was to highlight the plight of victims of land mines.
She was South Africa’s first lady of song and so richly deserved the title of Mama Afrika. She was a mother to our struggle and to the young nation of ours.
It was fitting that her last moments were spent on a stage, enriching the hearts and lives of others – and again in support of a good cause.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Independent
Friday, November 7, 2008
Victory speech
Sunday, September 28, 2008
International Day for Mahmoud Darwish
Check on the website of the festival where is the reading will take place in your city:
And definitely the world is less beautiful in your absence..
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Words and music by Pete Seeger
performed by Pete Seeger and Tao Rodriguez-Seeger
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the flowers gone?
Girls have picked them every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the young girls gone?
Taken husbands every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the young men gone?
Gone for soldiers every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Gone to graveyards every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Covered with flowers every one
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Al-Ansari on the ALS ...
the web-based news service 'Sudan Tribune' had published an article, on 08.29.2008, on the opinions and critics of Prof. Abdel-Hameed Al-Ansari to the Arab Lawyers Syndicate (ALS) stand on Ocampo's case.
Check the article here!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
محمود درويش الذي عرفت
Mahmood Derwish (67 years) died yesterday (08.09.2008).
it is hard on us to accept such a loss.
below is an obituray by Abdalbari Tatwan of AlQuds. the article was originally published here (\10z55.htm&storytitle=ffمحمود%20درويش%20الذي%20عرفتfff&storytitleb=عبد%20الباري%20عطوان&storytitlec=)
عندما التقيته للمرة الأخيرة، قبل ثلاثة أسابيع، على مائدة عشاء في مطعم ايطالي اختاره بعناية في جادة 'سان جرمان' المفضلة للشعراء والكتّاب والمثقفين في العاصمة الفرنسية 'باريس'، وبحضور الصديق المشترك، الناقد والأديب صبحي الحديدي، كان محمود درويش قلقاً لسببين، الأول أن القنصلية الأمريكية في القدس المحتلة لم تمنحه تأشيرة دخول (فيزا) لمراجعة المستشفى المتخصص بالشرايين في هيوستن رغم أنه تقدم بطلب في هذا الخصوص قبل أربعة أشهر، والثاني ان نتائج الفحوص الأخيرة التي أجراها لدى طبيبه في باريس لم تكن مطمئنة، فالشريان الأورطي متضخم ويمكن أن ينفجر في أي لحظة، ولا علاج إلا بعملية زرع اخرى، ولكن العملية مثلما قال له الطبيب الفرنسي تعني أحد أمرين.. الموت أو الشلل شبه الكامل. سألني بغتة عما اذا كان جسمي مؤلفا للكوليسترول مثل جسمه.. لم يتركني أجيب وواصل قائلا بأن عقله يكتب الشعر، وجسمه 'يؤلّف' الكوليسترول اللعين، ويبدو... واصل مازحاً، أن انتاج الجسم أغزر كثيراً من انتاج العقل، ولكنه انتاج قاتل للأسف.غيّرنا موضوع الحديث، وانتقلنا إلى موضوع تأشيرة الدخول التي ينتظرها، ويستعجلها، وكأنه يستعجل شهادته، ولقاء ربه، كان غاضباً على الأمريكان، ومعاملتهم له وكأنه زوج ابنة اسامة بن لادن أو أخته، أخذوا بصماته، وطلبوا منه توقيع عدة طلبات مرفوقة برزمة من التحاليل الطبية والرسائل المتبادلة مع المستشفى الأمريكي، ومع ذلك ورغم وساطة 'الرئيس' محمود عباس، وتدخل السيدة كوندوليزا رايس مثلما همس البعض في أذني لاحقاً، فقد كان الجواب دائماً بأن الرد لم يأت بالموافقة من وزارة الأمن الداخلي، وعليه الانتظار. امتد بنا الحديث في ردهة فندقه المفضل، وهو بالمناسبة الفندق نفسه الذي كان يرتاده الراحل ادوارد سعيد، حتى الساعة الثانية والنصف صباحاً، وشعرت انه يخشى الليل ويستعجل الصباح، أو ربما أراد أن يطيل أمد اللقاء، والأحاديث عن شعراء قصيدة النثر الذي قال انهم دمروا الشعر، ووصفهم بالفدائيين الذين يملكون جرأة غير عادية في القاء شعرهم في قاعات خالية إلا من بعض اصدقائهم وزوجاتهم وبعض الأقارب.كان يخشى هؤلاء، ويبتعد عن الصدام معهم فهم مراكز قوى مدججة بالأسلحة، أو 'مافيات' تهيمن على الصفحات الثقافية في الصحف والمجلات العربية، ويجاملون بعضهم البعض، ويكرهون بعضهم البعض، واذا تصالحوا فلفترة قصيرة كان يسميها 'تحالفات الخمس دقائق'، ولكنهم والرأي للمرحوم محمود، يتوحدون ضد غيرهم من شعراء الوزن والموسيقى، ناهيك عن شعراء القوافي. قلت له سنلتقي في باريس لنحتفل بسلامتك، عندما تتوقف فيها في طريق عودتك، وفي المطعم نفسه المتخصص بطبق الحبّار الذي تحب، نظر إليّ وقال 'إذا عدت'، ثم تساءل: لا أعرف ما إذا كنت سأوافق على العملية الجراحية أم لا، ولكن الشيء الوحيد الذي أعرفه أنني لن أعود 'مشلولاً'، فإما في تابوت أو سيرا على قدمي.افترقنا في اليوم التالي، عاد الى رام الله عن طريق عمّان، وعدت إلى لندن، ليهاتفني بعد ثلاثة أيام بأنه وجد الفيزا في انتظاره، وأنه سينطلق مع أواخر شهر تموز (يوليو) إلى هيوستن وبصحبته صديقه الصدوق أكرم هنية رئيس تحرير صحيفة 'الأيام' الفلسطينية، وسألني عن أصداء قصائده التي خص بها 'القدس العربي'، فشرحت له كمّ الردود الهائلة عليها في موقعنا الالكتروني، وشعرت كم كان مرتاحاً وسعيداً.محمود درويش كان دائماً يعيش حالة قلق كلما كتب قصيدة جديدة، وكأنها القصيدة الأولى التي يكتبها في حياته، يسأل عما اذا كانت جيدة، وتصلح للنشر، فننهره بمودة، ونستغرب أسئلته هذه، ولكنه يقسم، وهو صادق، انه لا يعرف ما اذا كانت جيدة أم لا، ويريد رأينا قبل النشر وبعده، ثم بعد ذلك تدخل الطمأنينة إلى قلبه المتعب.لم نعرف أن الحكومة الأمريكية اسدت إلينا معروفاً كبيراً عندما تلكأت في منحه الفيزا، فقد ابقته بيننا أربعة شهور، انجز خلالها اثنتين من أعظم قصائده، وشارك في عدة أمسيات احداها في رام الله، والثانية اقيمت في ملعب كرة قدم في جنوب فرنسا، ومحاضرة في باريس وسط نخبة من كبار الأدباء الفرنسيين، فقد يأتي الخير من باطن الشر الأمريكي.لم يحدث أن اسيء فهم شخص في الثقافة العربية مثل محمود درويش، حيث ظلت تهمة الغرور تلاحقه من قبل الكثيرين، ولكنه لم يكن مغروراً ولا متكبراً، وانما شخص 'خجول' لا يفضل الاختلاط كثيرا بمن لا يعرف، ويتجنب الثناء والاطراء، وهو الذي يملك أرصدة ضخمة منهما على امتداد حياته الادبية. فهو لا يستطيع، كما كان يقول لي دائماً، أن يكون صديقاً للملايين من معارفه ومحبيه، ويحتاج إلى الخصوصية التي يتقوقع في داخلها في لحظات حياته بعيداً عن الأضواء.عندما كان يقيم في باريس، وبالذات بعد استقالته من عضوية اللجنة التنفيذية في منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية احتجاجاً، ورفضاً، لاتفاقية أوسلو، واجه ظروفاً مالية صعبة جداً، فقد قرر الرئيس الراحل ياسر عرفات وفي خطوة مؤسفة، وقف الغالبية العظمى من مخصصاته المالية، ومن بينها أجرة الشقة المتواضعة التي كان يعيش فيها (غرفتان وصالة)، وكان بيننا اتصال هاتفي يومي في الساعة الثانية عشرة بتوقيت لندن، وفي احدى المرات، ولظروف قاهرة تتعلق بمشاكل مادية واجهتنا في الصحيفة استدعت قدوم محصلي الديون لمصادرة اجهزتنا وطاولاتنا وما تبقى من اثاثنا الهرم، لم اهاتفه كالعادة لمدة يومين فاتصل بي في اليوم الثالث غاضباً ومزمجراً بسبب انقطاعي عن الاتصال.فاجأني عندما قال انه يعيش على هذه المكالمة اليومية، فهو لم يعد يستقبل غير مكالمتين فقط، الأولى مكالمتي المعتادة، والثانية من شخص عابر سبيل، وتساءل هل طلبتني في أي يوم من الأيام ولم تجدني، قلت لا.. قال معنى هذا أنني لا أخرج من البيت لأني لا أملك ما يجعلنى أخرج إلى القهوة أو المطاعم فقطعاً سيلتف حولي المحبون، ولا استطيع دفع الفاتورة. شعرت بالصدمة، فهذا الشاعر الكبير لا يجد من يهاتفه، وربما أحس بهذا التساؤل في ذهني، وقال: الأمر بسيط جداً: لا نقود.. ولا نفوذ.. ولا يهود.. وشرح لا نقود لأن الرئيس عرفات أوقف مخصصاته، ولا نفوذ أي لم يعد عضواً في اللجنة التنفيذية وقريباً من الرئيس مما يمكنه من حل مشاكل المحتاجين أو توظيف بعضهم، وأخيراً لا يهود.. أي أنه ليس منخرطاً في المفاوضات التي كانت على أشدها، حتى يكون في قلب الحدث الاعلامي والسياسي.محمود درويش واجه 'خيبات أمل' كثيرة في حياته، ولكن أبرزها في رأيي، خيبة أمله في الشعب الفلسطيني عندما لم يثر غاضباً ضد اتفاقات اوسلو، فقد توقع هذه الغضبة، واراد ان يكون مع الشعب، لا مع الموقعين عليها، ولكن هذا الشعب فاجأه عندما رقص في معظمه طرباً، وصدق 'أكاذيب' قيادته بأن السلام قادم والدولة الفلسطينية المستقلة على بعد أربع سنوات فقط.خيبة الأمل هذه اجبرته على ان يخفف من معارضته، وأجبرته ان يعود الى رام الله لانه لم يعد يستطيع العيش في باريس، وحتى لا يتهم بانه، وهو أحد المتشددين في الاصرار على حق العودة، رفض ممارسة هذا الحق عندما سنحت له الفرصة، مضافا الى ذلك ان معظم اصدقائه في تونس عادوا ولا يريد ان يتخلف عن الركب، وحرص ان يترك مسافة بينه وبين السلطة.اما خيبة الأمل الثانية فتمثلت في رأيه بالأداء الفلسطيني، والفشل الكامل في اقامة المؤسسات والحكم النموذجي الذي كان يأمله، وفوق كل هذا انهيار المشروع الوطني الفلسطيني الذي كانت تبشر به السلطة وقادتها واتساع دائرة الفساد المالي بصورة مرعبة، وقال لي في احدى المرات ان امنيته ان يهاجر مرة اخرى الى باريس ويعيش في استديو صغير (غرفة واحدة) ويقضي بقية حياته هناك، ولكن ما يمنعه هو الخوف من الاتهام بانه يرفض الوطن، والتضحية من اجله.محمود درويش استقال من كل مؤسسات منظمة التحرير، واعاد اصدار مجلة 'الكرمل'، ورفض كل ضغوط الرئيس الراحل عرفات لتوزيره في حكومة السلطة، وفضل ان تكون دائرته في رام الله صغيرة جدا، محصورة في مجموعة اصدقاء، بعضهم شعراء وكتاب، واكثرهم من الناس العاديين البعيدين عن الوسط الثقافي. لانه كان يبحث عن الجلسة المرحة للهروب من ضغوط مرضه، وامراض المثقفين المستعصية، من غيرة وحسد ونميمة مثلما كان يقول.كان يكره القيود، ولهذا لم يتزوج ثالثة، كان يكره ان تشاركه امرأة حياته، وكان يفضل دائما ان يكون سريره مملكته، كنا نلتقي بصفة دورية في باريس، وكان يحب الحديث عن النساء ومغامراته، وفي احدى المرات سألته كيف تطلق 'فلانة' بعد ستة اشهر وبهذه السرعة، قال لي: وهل تعتقد ان ستة اشهر فترة قصيرة، لقد طوّلت اكثر من اللازم.محمود درويش أحب العرب جميعا، ولم يكن غريبا ان تكون اقوى قصائده في بواكيره الاولى 'سجل انا عربي'، وكان يشعر بمودة خاصة تجاه ابناء المغرب العربي الذين بادلوه الحب بحب اسطوري، ولذلك لم يتردد في قبول دعواتهم لإلقاء اشعاره في تونس والجزائر والمغرب في فترات متقاربة.ربما تكون المملكة العربية السعودية من الدول القليلة التي لم يزرها مطلقا، وهناك قصة غريبة وراء ذلك، فقد جاء احدهم يفاتحه قبل عشرين عاما بدعوة لحضور مهرجان الجنادرية الثقافي السنوي في وسط نجد، وعندما سئل عن الجهة المنظمة قالوا له انها 'الحرس الوطني'، فقال وما علاقة العسكر بالثقافة، ألا توجد رابطة او نقابة او هيئة تتولى هذه المهمة غير الحرس الوطني؟ وكانت هذه الكلمات نهاية العرض.كان مولعا بالتدخين، وبعد عمليته الجراحية الاولى التي تكللت بالنجاح، قال له الطبيب ان اول شيء يجب ان يفعله ان يتوقف عن التدخين، فقال له دعنا 'نتفاوض'، فقال له الطبيب لا مفاوضات ولا تنازلات، فرد عليه: واذا توقفت عن التدخين ماذا سيحدث؟ فقال الطبيب: سيطول عمرك عدة سنوات، فقال له: سأستمر في التدخين، وليقصر عمري، لانه يعني تقصير شيخوختي. ولكنه اضطر للتوقف كليا بعد عمليته الثانية، وظل يجلس بالقرب من المدخنين ليستنشق ما هو محروم منه.محمود درويش لم يعش الشيخوخة مطلقا وغادرنا وهو في قمة عطائه وعنفوانه وأناقته، وشخصيته المحببة، وتعليقاته الساخرة اللاذعة، شيء واحد لم يحققه، وهو الذي دخل قلوب وعقول الملايين، عدم حصوله على 'جائزة نوبل' التي ترشح لها عدة مرات في السنوات الاخيرة.بعد محمود درويش لن يكون الشعر بالقوة نفسها او بالسحر نفسه، سيكون شعرا مختلفا، فبرحيله رحلت ظاهرة شعراء يملأون ملاعب كرة القدم بالمعجبين والمعجبات، ليس في الوطن العربي وانما في المنافي الاوروبية.خسرته صديقا عزيزا، ورمزا من رموز هذه الأمة التي ربما لن تتكرر الا بعد قرون. محمود درويش اقول وداعا.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
See you later, Chahine!
a couple of days ago, Yousef Chahine died , at 82, after 60 years well spent defending liberty, equality and freedom. I don't feel sad for this huge loss! interesting .. eh? Yousif Chahine had done everything that, i think, a human-being is capable of in one lifetime ...
the man had come from a very complicated background: Egyptian, Christian with Greek and Lebanese family roots, and managed to portray the complexity of the cultural interactions of these background in the contemporary Egyptian realities. From the liberation environments of the early sixties to the great millennial disappointments, Mr Chahine's numerous works had reflected in a unique way the social, cultural and human dimensions of these shifts. His trademark of the fast, deep and smart scenarios will challenge generations to come ...
if you have time to reflect upon this extraordinary life, i recommend the following films:
1. Alexandria ... why?
2. Al-Massir
3. The Other
a couple of interesting articles have also been written looking so briefly into his ineteresting journey. The Washington Post and Time Magazine have publihed rich Obituaries that may help introduce the guy's works to the american audience ...
and finally, let's enjoy this caption from Al-Massir:
Into the Wild (2007)
I've just come to watch Sean Penn's 2007 "into the wild". The movie tells parts of the adventures of Christopher McCandless, wh set off for a happiness quest that had led him to Alaska where he dies. the movie set-up and ediing are so simple and deep. they have opened the ever-renewing questions of our existence. the main character is casted by Emile Hirsch in a superb performance! this is kid is something for the future!
the song of the movie is beautiful,... and stays with you for some time.
Guaranteed Lyrics
On bended knee is no way to be free
Lifting up an empty cup, I ask silently
All my destinations will accept the one that's me
So I can breathe...
Circles they grow and they swallow people whole
Half their lives they say goodnight to wives they'll never know
A mind full of questions, and a teacher in my soul
And so it goes...
Don't come closer or I'll have to go
Holding me like gravity are places that pull
If ever there was someone to keep me at home
It would be you...
Everyone I come across, in cages they bought
They think of me and my wandering, but I'm never what they thought
I've got my indignation, but I'm pure in all my thoughts
I'm alive...
Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere
Underneath my being is a road that disappeared
Late at night I hear the trees, they're singing with the dead
Leave it to me as I find a way to be
Consider me a satellite, forever orbiting
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me
Monday, July 28, 2008
Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Francis Cabrel En DES ROSES & DES ORTIES
Vous, vous etes et nous,nous sommes
Des hommes pareils
Plus ou moins nus sous le soleil
Memes coeurs entre les memes epaules
Qu'est -ce qu'on vaous apprend a l'ecole
Si on y oublie l'essentiel ?
On partage le meme royaume
Ou Vous , vous etes et nous , nous sommes ...
Moi j'ai des iles , j'ai des lacs
Moi, j'ai trois poissons dans un sac
Moi, je porte un crucifix
Moi, je prie sur un tapis
Moi,je regne et je decide
Moi, j'ai quatre sous de liquide
Moi, je dors sur des bambous
Moi, Je suis docteur -marabout
Et nous sommes
Des hommes pareils
Plus ou moins loins du soleil
Qu'est ce-qu'on vous apprend a l'ecole
S'il y manque l'essentiel ?
Semblables jusqu'au moindre atom
vous,vous etes et nous,nous sommes
Moi,je me teins et je me farde
Moi, mes chiens montent la garde
Moi,j'ai piege ma maison
Moi, je vis sous des cartons
Moi,j'ai cent ans dans deux jours
Moi , j'ai jamais fait l'amour
Nous , enfants neveux et nieces
On dort tous dans la meme Piece
Quleque soit le prix qu'on se donne
On nage dans la meme aquarium
On partage le mem royaume
ou vous,vous etes et nous , nous sommes
Ou nous sommes des hommes pareils
Plus ou moins nus sous le soleil
Tous tendus vers l'espoir de vivre
Qu'est-ce qu'on vous apprend dans les livres
S'il y manque l'essentiel...?
S'il y manque l'essentiel...?
J'aime mieux ce monde polychrome
Ou vous,vous etes et nous ,nous sommes...
Des hommes pareils...
Des hommes pareils...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
46664 = Four , double six , six four
July 19 , Happy 90th birthday NELSON MANDELA. Visit to send a message , replay the concert of June 26 in London and try to remind yourself there are still Mandelas to come, scratch your memory to remember the faces .If not ,then don t worry just calculate the days, months and years ;maybe after new 27 years or so we will be celebrating their birthdays..
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Alex De Waal
Sunday, April 6, 2008
NATION-BUILDING AT THE CROSSROADS: The CPA Implementation as a Critical Phase in the History of Sudan
Dr. Abdalbasit Saeed, Khartoum-Sudan (
The truths, reflections, analysis or misjudgements and predespositions in this rejoinder are the sole responsibility of the author. They do not, however, question the validity or justification of the initial ‘Civilizational Mission’ sloganed by the Regime of the National Islamic Front (NIF) at its point of inception in June 1989. The discussion is rather concerned with the determinant moments that generated the 1989/1990 ‘New World Order’ which the NIF regime failed to comprehend at just the same historic moment, and which culminated in its own undoing 15 years later, including ten years of cumbersome negotiations on the basis of the Declaration of Principles (DOP) put forward by the Inter-Govermental Authority on Development (IGAD) in 1993/94 and adopted by the Government of the Sudan (GOS) in 1997. After five years of slack foot-dragging on both sides, more serious negotiations picked-up in 2002 between the GOS and the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM). The final output was the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that became effective 9-January 2005.
Across the past few years (2000-2007) the Sudan stood as top-rated among countries of the world, and the African region, for the greatest number of Security Council Resolutions defining a member State of the UN family as a threat to international peace and security. The Sudan is the first country, since the beginning of the 21st. Century, to receive indictment, by the UN Security Council Resolutions, under Chapter Seven of the UN Charter. Sudan is the UN member state who had to sign the largest number of agreements aimed at the protection of civilians as well as ending internal violent conflict, with its own citizens, during the first ten years of the 21st. Century. Sudan is among the few countries charged with highest rates of corruption. The main question is: why? May be because the Sudan is, also, the country who witnessed the longest war in Africa of the 20th. Century. It is the only country, in the first decade of the 21st. Century, whose top political leadership, ministers, military brass, and executives have been listed (February 2007) for possible persecution by the International Criminal Court (ICC). In spite of all such derregatory connotations of genocidal activity in Darfur, pariah state and/ or failed state, still the country seems to be holding together and is expected to enter into a real test of legitimate governance (in 2009) to elect the President, First Vice President, national legislature (500 MPs), 25 state governors, 25 state legislatures (1000 representatives) and locality governments (undetermined number of delegates) from village clusters and administrative units.
Ancient Country
The Sudan is an ancient country. Its lands are rich and fertile enough to provide a solid foundation for prosperity. Its people are proud and industrious enough to seize the opportunities that may be presented. There is sufficient reason to believe that the peoples of the Sudan will not be found wanting, in stamina, in determination, or in natural endowments, if political will for social action is there. It is suprising that, in spite a claimed history of three thousand years, the country still abides in the perpetual threats and risks of floods every time the River Nile chooses to seriously overflow its banks. May be because the country never adopted a clear human settlement development strategy to rid its people of such risks that are easily foreseen by a by-stander.
The Sudan today is striving to make peace and make positive change. May be because the country has wasted much valued time in making war rather than in making peace. Of late, however, and in all regions of the country, peoples’ efforts towards peace-building and positive change seem to be ‘beginning’ to bear fruit. May be besause they realized the high cost of making war as a vehicle for sustaining the fragile national unity they have been trying to build, since the attainment of political independence in 1956. Common wisdom tells that, in spite of the carnage and tragedy that afflicted the Sudan in many important ways, one must not forget the bright spots or overlook the achievements along the path to peace, development and shaky national unity. The time is long past when anyone could claim ignorance about what has been happening in the Sudan. Politicians and rulers do know what needs to be done in order to achieve progress. It is very sad that they are not delivering anything. The time is also past when the responsibilities for producing positive change could be shifted on to others' shoulders. Current responsibilities are great tasks that the people of Sudan must all face. The people of Sudan, must stand ready to play their historic part, in this historic moment, at the Crossroads. So must all the political parties. What is needed is political will. Rhetoric can truly be transformed into reality by political will. Without political will, not even the noblest sentiments will have a chance of success.
Three areas deserve particular attention:
First, the Sudan must demonstrate the will to rely upon political rather than military responses and solutions to problems. Democratic channels for pursuing legitimate interests and expressing dissent must be protected, and political opposition must be respected and accommodated in constitutional-legal forms.
Second, the Sudan must summon the will to take good governance seriously, ensuring respect for human rights and the rule of law, strengthening democratization, and promoting transparency and capability in public administration. Unless good governance is prized, the Sudan will not break free of the threat and the reality of conflict that are so evident today.
Third, the Sudan must enact and adhere to the many and various reforms that are needed to promote economic growth with equity and socio-economic development and social equality. Long-term success can be achieved only if the regional governments of the united Sudan have the express political will to enact sound economic policies, and to persevere in their implementation until a solid economic foundation has been established.
The Turn of the 20th. Century: A Critical Phase in the History of Sudan
The world is passing through a very critical phase in human history. In the name of globalization the capitalist–imperialist world system have brought down most murderous attacks, vicious persecution, and ruthless exploitation on the working masses. This is the “new world order” that the imperialists, led by USA, want to impose: “fighting terrorism” and championing “democracy” are the new ploys ‘as political ideology’ in the hands of the imperialists to launch barbaric military aggression on countries, to forcibly occupy them and to engineer regime change. Economic and fiscal instruments of this world regime have led to steep decline in real wages and pauperization of the peasantry, particularly in ‘third world countries’. The ferocity of this system-wide attack can be gauged by the ever deteriorating living conditions of urban workers where retrenchment and lay-offs are increasing by leaps and bounds, as well as by the increasing poverty of rural peasants and pastoralists.
In the post-Second-World-War period the newly independent bourgeois nationalist regimes, in order to hold onto their political independence and to protect their economy from western imperialist penetration, leaned on the Soviet Union and got the necessary support. These countries, without joining either the imperialist or the socialist camp, built up the platform of non-aligned movement, which was aimed at reaping benefits from both the camps through bargaining in order to consolidate their native capitalism. But with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the socialist camp these countries became vulnerable to penetration by the transnational corporations. India, long considered an ally of the poor developing countries in their fight against imperialist penetration, joined the western imperialist camp to fulfil its own imperialist ambition. The resistance of the third world countries got severely weakened.
To understand the alignment of forces of change and/or of reaction and to correctly chart out our course in this critical juncture, and to comprehend why we should toil ‘to make national unity attractive’, let us go back into history, a little bit. The aim is to describe the workings of the crisis in imperialist economy – excess capital and shrinking of market. It is to show, as well, that the number of competitors in the world trade system is getting more while the market is being progressively squeezed. It is at this critical juncture that the Sudan, without much of strategic thinking, attempts to enter the WTO and at the same time trys to abandon the US$ system: What a contradition?
1 The Second World War ended with the victory of the social forces of change, at the time, over the fascist powers. The post-war period was marked by a surge of popular struggles for emancipation. The Soviet Union, under Stalin, emerged as a leading light in the world struggle for emancipation. Socialism was freed from the bounds of one country and was transformed to a world system, as an alternative to the capitalist system. Socialist states were established in the countries of Eastern Europe, in China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba. In the nonsocialist countries, victorious liberation movements and anti-imperialist struggles liberated the African and Latin American colonies, one after another.
2 The imperialist powers, being politically concerned that capitalism was weakened, about losing a large part of the world market, and that intense market crisis gripped the capitalist world market. Also, in the post-Stalin period, revisionism established a firm grip on the leadership of the Soviet Communist Party, and the downward slide began, ultimately leading to the dismantling of socialism in the 1990s and establishment of capitalism in Soviet Russia.
3 China also, after the demise of Comrade Mao Ze-Dong, turned back from the socialist path and ultimately capitalism was restored there. The restorationist movement of the capitalist bourgeoize in Russia and China, was accompanied by the disappearance of the socialist working-class institutions of state control. The event gave a new lease of life to imperialism by expanding their domain of world market exploitation.
4 The neo-imperialists gleefully proclaimed that:
4.1 The disappearance of Soviet Russia, as the ‘evil empire’, means that the main danger for war and threat to world peace has disappeared from the scene.
4.2 They claimed that the world has become unipolar; and that the world market is now integrated into a single entity, in which all the countries will have opportunities for growth and prosperity.
4.3 They aggressively paraded slogans of privatization, globalization and liberalization. It was toutered that these economic policy measures supported by the twin bretton woods institutions (IBRD and IMF) would open the doors to unfettered progress of the whole of humanity.
5 However, as these golden dreams were being peddled to a confused populace, crisis in the capitalist-imperialist economy further intensified. This is, presumably, a result of the inherent contradiction in the capitalist system.
6 The analysis is as follows: for the propensity of the rate of profit to fall, spectacular technological advances were not only time-savors which increased the productive capacity many times over, but were giving reason for the purchasing power of the people to be continuously squeezed by capitalst firms having contradictory 'anarchic' production and pricing policies and practices. Competition between the imperialist powers for shares in the shrinking world market has become more and more fierce.
6.1 At first (1950-1970s) the USA was the unquestioned leader in the imperialist camp because of its economic and military strength. The economic domination of USA is now (2000 +) being challenged. The European Union (EU) and Japan have emerged as contenders. Capitalist Russia, after getting over the initial chaos following the overthrow of the socialist system, is trying to expand its sphere of economic and political influence.
6.2 To counter this the USA, by extending the NATO eastwards, is trying to militarily encircle Russia, just like ‘the containment strategy’ of 1950s and 1960s.
6.3 China, after being converted to a capitalist state through counter-revolution, is also flexing its muscle to emerge as a global economic force and to assert its dominance in South Asia. To counter the Chinese domination USA is trying to form a bloc with India and other countries like Australia, Japan, Israel.
6.4 Thus, one could see that the number of competitors is getting more while the market is being progressively squeezed. This is the crisis in imperialist economy – excess capital and shrinking of market.
7 Globalization is a desperate attempt of capitalist-imperialism to come out of the crisis in the capitalist economic system. GATT and WTO came into being as crisis management measures to somehow patch up a regulated trade system and division of market according to strength of capital. However, gobalization has completely failed to meet the crisis that is rocking the capitalist world. Industrial growth in all the capitalist countries, including the advanced countries, has slowed down; there is severe recession, widespread unemployment, rise of poverty, and slashing of social welfare measures. With each passing day it is becoming increasingly clear that the real objective of globalization, privatization and liberalization is to squeeze the last drop of blood from the impoverished workers and to establish the all-round domination of the western imperialist powers over the underdeveloped world.
8 WTO is a tool in the hands of USA and other big imperialist powers to pressurize the weaker nations to open up their markets for unrestricted loot and plunder and to allow the imperialists to have free access to their resources. In the name of ‘reforms’, they are forcing the weaker countries to remove subsidies and lift all barriers against penetration of foreign goods and capital, but at the same time they themselves are preserving subsidies and resisting external penetration into their own market. The economy of the poor countries depends a lot on agriculture, but their agricultural products cannot compete with the heavily subsidized products from the advanced countries.
9 Further, imperialism is exerting its control over the agriculture of these countries by making them dependent on imported seeds, genetically engineered products and fertilizers. Privatization-globalization-liberalization is used as instruments of the imperialist strategy. Opening up of the market, privatization and structural reforms dictated by the World Bank and IMF are impoverishing the people and are leading to a stark polarization between the rich and the poor. Not only is the difference between the rich and the poor increasing within each country, but the gap between rich and poor nations is also widening. But as the exploitation is getting more, so also is the people’s resentment towards globalization increasing not only in the poorer countries, but also in the advanced capitalist countries. Within USA itself people’s opposition to globalization is growing. American capital instead of being invested in local industry is exported abroad to manufacture goods using the cheap labour power and resources of those countries. This is leading to closing down of US-based-local-industry, resulting in widespread retrenchment and unemployment.
10 Lenin pointed out more than one hundred years ago that it is the crisis in capitalism that poses the greatest danger to world peace and is the basic cause that leads to wars. In today’s globalized world all the capitalist-imperialist countries are engaged in trade wars, with each one trying to obstruct penetration by the others into its own market, while demanding unrestricted right to enter into others’ markets. Bitter disputes are coming out into the open between the three major imperialist groupings, USA, European Union and Japan, each trying to expand their shares in the global market and thereby multiplying their political influence. China is sneeking-in from a small 'window' left ajar to vent hot air. On the other hand the fissure between the developed countries and the resurgent capitalist countries are becoming wider. The latter are trying to group together to oppose the agenda of the G8 countries. In this scenario of deep division and bitter fight between them, all the imperialist countries have the compulsion to constantly strive to enlarge their own reserve markets.
11 Another point to take note of is that in the recessive capitalist world market today the military establishments, because of their status-quo functions in support of the ruling class, are the richest and chief consumers all over the world. For artificial stimulation of the sagging economy, the capitalist states of both the imperialist and developing countries are taking recourse to militarization of the economy and society. Thus, buying and selling of arms, including their clandistine proliferation into the hands of civilians, have become a major international trade. Hence, for release of stockpiles of arms, engineering local and partial wars, fomenting army-based coups, propping up military dictatorships, have become a compulsive necessity of imperialism as well as of the reactionary elite of the third world. Side by side, the sharpening contradiction among the imperialist powers is making arms-flows a real danger and high-risk. It brings them very close to military confrontation over missles in East Europe, the new ‘bay-of-pigs’. Increasing militarization of economies of the imperialist powers is accentuating this contradiction and is leading to outbreaks of war.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
About " Lost Boys of Sudan "
To know more about that visit these websites :